Your Baby’s Brain, Intellect, and You

A Book About Early Learning and Cognition

About The Author

Meet the Author Devoted to
Human Intellectual Growth

Saied H. Jacob earned his Ph.D. in human learning and cognition from the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. For 14 years, he served as an Associate Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. In 1978, he was invited to continue his research into cognitive development at the University of Geneva under the direction of the world-renowned child development specialist, Professor Jean Piaget.

In 1995, Saied H. Jacob moved to Los Angeles, where, between 1995 and 1998, he served as a Visiting Scholar and lecturer at the Graduate School of Education, UCLA, where he created an educational program designed to enhance young children’s cognitive development. This work resulted in the publication of "Your Baby’s Mind," a parenting book that was published in 7 languages and sold over 75,000 copies in the U.S. alone.

Since that time, Saied H. Jacob has been engaged in teaching, writing, and consulting. He founded and presided over Inventive Minds LLC, a child development company that has recently produced SmartBabies.io, a parenting mobile app specializing in the development of cognition for children from birth to 24 months.

Book Summary

"Your Baby’s Brain, Intellect, and You" By S.H. Jacob, Ph.D.

Intellectual growth is nearly completed before a child enters school!

“Your Baby’s Brain, Intellect, and You” covers the importance of the first two years, how activities are the building block of intelligence and knowledge, and the importance of parents and caregivers in the developmental process.

The book is an easy-to-read book that provides new parents with practical knowledge, tips, and stage-appropriate activities that are designed to promote critical thinking in the crucial first two years. The emphasis is on the development of scientific knowledge and logico-mathematical know-how.

Based on the celebrated work of Jean Piaget, under whom the author, S. H. Jacob, worked, the book offers insights into Piaget’s theory as a framework for understanding cognitive development.

The centerpiece of the book is a cognitive development program for the well-known six stages of cognition in the first two years, with full descriptions of what a baby is trying to grasp at each of the stages. With over 200 illustrated play activities that match a child’s capabilities, this book helps parents maximize this period of explosive growth so that their baby has every opportunity to develop the thinking skills that are crucial in today’s and tomorrow’s world—curiosity, imagination, learning, memory, understanding, problem-solving, discovery, and invention.

There is no more critical time in human intellectual development

"Dr. Jacob Has Published Numerous Articles In Scientific Journals. In Addition, He Has Published The Following Books About Developmental Cognition"

Foundations for Piagetian Education. Lanham, MD: University Press of America (1984).

Your Baby’s Mind: How to Make the Most of the Critical First Two Years. Holbrook, MA: Adams Media (1991; 1992). Since its initial publication in 1991, Your Baby’s Mind has been published in Spanish, Russian, Hungarian, Portuguese, Chinese, and Korean.

Your Inventive Baby: A Parent’s Guide to Intellectual Development in the First Two Years (Inventive Minds, LLC, 2008).

Your Baby’s Brain, Intellect, and You (Book Baby, 2022).

Visit SmartBabies.io™

Learn How Your Baby’s Mind Works & How to Help It

Your baby…

  • will learn how to learn

  • will learn how to think

  • how to explore, discover, and invent new ways of doing things.

The SmartBabies.io™ a specialty app that teaches new parents how to nurture their babies’ intellectual development based on the world’s most renowned psychologist, Jean Piaget. Dr. Jacob, the author of the app’s educational program, has the unique honor of having studied under Piaget. Since the 1990s, his books have helped tens of thousands of new parents nurture the intellectual development of their children.


What people said about my book

“This book is a must read for new parents or caregivers to young children. As a mother of 2, I was able to apply the activities to our daily lives. My children love the activities and they truly enjoy themselves. This book is a fast and easy read for busy parents. This book is full of helpful knowledge to understand our babies’ brains. I feel so good knowing I have the tools for my children to become inventive thinkers!”
Marie F
“I have been reading your book and enjoying it immensely. It is so amazing how much a baby’s brain grows in the first two years. Teddy will truly enjoy the many activities you have illustrated in your book and we will learn from the app too. As you say so well in your book, we want to nurture Teddy’s critical thinking through stage-appropriate play. Thank you!”
Betty J